Prints artworks

The large collection of print artworks from the early 1800s is evidence of the extraordinary artistic legacy of Beethoven the Myth. This collection covers many themes, first of which is the composer himself. It includes some very interesting artistic interpretations of his works, and of the places and houses he lived in or visited. There is a vast assortment of iconographic material on people who knew Beethoven. A large number of fascinating historical and modern posters are also in the collection.

The production of graphic art in 19th and 20th centuries aimed to meet the high demand for works of art from the new middle classes, through limited runs of prints of authentic masterpieces. Numerous techniques were and are used: engraving (on metal plates), lithography (on stone), wood engraving. The process involved in each is generally the same as in engraving described below.

Engraving on metal plate 
The artist traces the drawing onto a metal, usually copper, plate covered with a layer of wax. The surface is scratched using a steel needle, which removes the wax and exposes the metal. The plate is then dipped in acid, which corrodes the unprotected metal in the scratched recesses of the lines that make up the drawing on the surface. After the plate is lifted from the acid, the wax is removed and the incised lines are ready for inking. The plate is then pressed (using a press) against paper to produce the final image.