The treasures of the Carrino Collection marking the 200th anniversary of the Ninth Symphony

Museo Carà, Muggia (TS)

From 30 August
to 29 September 2024

From Wednesday to Sunday:
10am-12pm, 4pm-7pm
Entrance free of charge

The Carrino Collection arrives
at the Carà Museum in Muggia

 31 LUGLIO 2024  | Redazione

For the first time, after exhibitions around the world, the Biblioteca Beethoveniana is being showcased in a public space in its hometown. From August 30 to September 29, the exhibition “BEETHOVEN. Energy of Europe” will celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the Ninth Symphony.

The Casa Museo Biblioteca Beethoveniana
become social

 3 AGOSTO 2024  | Redazione

To mark the launch of the “BEETHOVEN. ENERGY OF EUROPE” exhibition in Muggia, the Biblioteca Beethoveniana has inaugurated its Facebook and Instagram pages, with the primary goal of engaging with the local community.

In Trieste with Beethoven 

The Man. The Genius. The Myth